FYOP/The Adventures of Alice/0001

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Alice decided to observe some more. She pulled herself from the wall and peeked around the corner.

The man who seemed to be in charge had taken out a laptop and had connected a USB cable to a port in the girls now exposed electronics. She could now see his name tag read Sam.

“Ok, let’s see what we have here,” Sam said as he looked at his laptop, “Designation Molly, blah, blah, blah, and … oooh, a level 5; not you lucky day missy.”

“Huh?!” the other man was confused. “What you mean?”

“(sigh), Don’t you ever read the memo’s?” Sam asked, “We’re getting complaints from our clients about them; so we’re supposed to reprogram them.”

“So, we’re uploading a patch?” the other man asked.

“No,” Sam replied, typing on his laptop, “This isn’t something easily patched, it’s basically an underlining problem with the sleeper protocols. The Level 5’s have the most advanced personality and reasoning available at the moment which allows them to exhibit very human like behavior. A standard one would be synched up with its primary function programming, so a sex doll would see itself as a sex doll, and would find great purpose and fulfillment in being so. Part of the way the sleeper protocols we employ work are by insulating the personally programming from the primary function programming while keeping it subordinate to it; thus allowing them to behave in a more ‘human’ fashion. The problem is that the Level 5’s start analyzing their own behavior, and start reacting to it in a ‘human’ fashion. They start to see their constant nymphomania , totally disassociated from their own will, as something to be depressed about and clients don’t like manic sex dolls.”

“So we’re replacing their sleeper Protocols?” the other man asked.

“Nah, boss is too cheap for that, Bill.” Sam replied, still typing, “We’re overwriting them with Level 1’s, then they're off to the first floor with to spend the rest of their operating lives as mindless whores for our low budget clientele.”

Sam seemed a little depressed at the idea, and sighed.

“Boss is just writing them off.” Sam said despondently, “Probably the best idea, we’ve only got like 2 or 3 on each floor, and Level 5 A.I.’s are far to fancy for what we’re using them for anyway… Still,” Sam continued, “It seems like such a waste,” Sam makes a final tap on his key board.

The man now known as Bill got a somewhat disturbed look on his face.

“Yeah, I don’t like it much either; just remember despite how they act, they’re just programs not people.” Sam said “It’ll take about 10 minutes, to finish with the reprogramming, but it won’t interfere with its sexual or hardware testing.”

Alice was in a panic, unsure of what to make the conversation. What should she do?