The Enemy of My Enemy? Pt. 1/Chapter 5

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When Kye returned to the lab the next day, he found the blonde's tall, perfect, body lying naked on a table with synthstraps holding her down. Wires were running from her port to a mobile console. Several monitors were set up and everything seemed connected.

Stan soon came into the room looking as if he had been up all night working. "I'm glad you're here; I was just about to send for you. I tried the other cop first and got nothing as far as the creature is concerned, but I did get a lot of good info out of her that I'll have to tell you about later."

"What's with the mad scientist set up? Dr. Frank-"

"Don't say it," Stan glared and grumbled, "asshole" but then smirked. "Ha. Ha. Anyway, when I tapped into some classified files, the other cop woke up. I'm glad Portia was there to shut her down. I haven't had any trouble from this one so it's just a precaution." Stan gestured towards the nude police officer.

"Where's Portia, anyway?" Kye asked.

Stan smiled. "Kylan, old friend, I can't tell you how happy you've made us. In case you didn't notice, the ONLY differences between Portia and this gynoid are her hair and her face." Although the word "android" was used for both male and female droids, Stan always used the word "gynoid" for the females. "Even her rare skin tone and skull size are exactly the same and this body's hardly been used!" he continued. "Portia's in the other room and I've already removed her face section, her scalp, and hard drives. Once I switch them with this body she's going to be as good as new. First I wanted to show you what I've found."

Stan began to turn on the equipment and the android's eyes opened and stared vacantly outward. "She's going to take a minute to boot up and so's all this stuff. I tried to see if she caught an image of this thing you were telling me about and I found a whole clip!" Just then the monitors blinked on but remained blank. "Computer, find video segment one-one-nine. I'm telling you it's freaky as hell, but there's good news."

"Sequence is ready for your viewing pleasure, Handsome." Kye was amused to hear a very sexy woman's voice come from the console, but his joy vanished when he saw the screen. The digital image looked almost like a home video, but the sound was clear... as was the silence.

"Either she has reeeal good hearing or the Monique managed to get off a distress signal before she was hit." Stan was standing by the monitor and pointing to the bottom right as the image of the tunnel spun. Just as the body of the brunette cop was coming into view he told the computer to pause. "There's the bastard," Stan said. "I had to clean up the picture a bit and slow it down because the thing moved so damned fast, but there's a few good shots."

There, crouched over the M-67, was the monster. It was spidery in its appearance but looked more like an animal than a bug. It had four long multi-jointed limbs with a long "finger" at each elbow. Instead of walking upright it crawled on four slender hands. It wore a small square backpack with a handle for something at each corner. Its small, flat head was perfectly triangular and protruded from its sleek, tapered body on a snake-like neck.

"Notice how, from this angle, only one side of its head is facing our lovely blonde guest." Stan continued, "Now watch how it reacts when it sees her coming. Computer. Play in slow motion." Instantly the creature turned to face the cameras in the blonde android's eyes then jumped straight for her. Kylan could see its muscles tense under its grey skin as it sprang and grabbed both of her arms with its lower hands. "Pause. Go forward frame by frame. Stop. Here you can see its face. No nose. No mouth. Just those big beautiful eyes or, should I say, cameras? This thing is definitely synthetic; that's the good news, by the way," he added. "It can see out of all three eyes, one on each side of its pointy little head. I think those are microphones on the triangle's tips. To get visual depth perception or to hone its hearing it can quickly focus two of each and move in on its target while still being able to watch its own back. It can also easily look around corners and through small spaces. Brilliant. Computer, forward two frames."

Kye was slightly relieved to learn that it was a robot because if anyone could figure out a way to stop it, Frank Stanley would. This only made Kylan wonder, though. Who created it and why did it attack police officers?

The next still-frame showed the robot's underbelly and revealed two more limbs pulled against its chest like a mantis and a small camera between them. But instead of hands, these limbs used metallic talons. Stanley was pointing this all out and sounded as interested as if he was seeing it for the very first time. "The tips of those claws must be like molecular-disrupter scalpels. They would barely have to touch the skin to break it. I don't know what's in the backpack. Could be tools or weapons; who knows? Computer, play the rest of the sequence in slow-mo'."

The thing disappeared over the android's head as it held her arms and swung itself, then the image went to static. The picture came back on just as suddenly but was heavy with static and the words "Error," "Emergency" and "Officer Down" flashed on the bottom of the screen and the angle changed as the android had slid down against the wall. The synthetic creature landed several feet away and turned as if it had sensed something just before it vanished in a blur. "If you think that's bad, check it out at normal speed," Stan exclaimed.

The entire event only took about three seconds. "I wonder how long it takes until you show up? I didn't get that far." Stan smiled as he continued to stare at the monitor but froze when he saw his own image suddenly appear on the screen.

There was a loud clang as the metal bolts that secured the synthstraps holding down the blonde broke under the android's strength. She immediately reached for Stan and grabbed him by the coat and he struggled to pull free. Kylan jumped on her back and the flush outline of the power button was now visible where the skin was torn away, just above the crack of her buttocks. He wrapped his arm around her abdomen and pushed hard on the button with his free hand. Her body went limp in his arms and he fell to the floor under her dead weight as he held on to her. His hand slid down from her backside to her crotch as her body twisted while her large breasts smothered his face. Her legs were still strapped to the table that was now turned over as well. The wire connected to her head had pulled down some other equipment with a crash. It was a mess.

Stan had also fallen backwards when she had instantly let go of his coat. He looked over at Kylan lying with the android on top of him. "Wow! Did that turn you on as much as it did ME!?!" he said with a big smile on his face.

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