The Enemy of My Enemy? Pt. 2/Chapter 02

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“So what’s the emergency?” snapped the android as she entered Storeroom 5.

By this time Kylan had calmed down, but he was in no mood to tolerate being treated badly. Especially not from an android. Especially not from Daniella. He kept his perspective of the situation, though. This wasn’t really the woman who hurt him and no feelings would be hurt here.

Also, he couldn’t physically harm the android even if she was capable of feeling pain, or even if he intended to. The robots were far too tough for the strongest human to even make a tiny scratch. But Kylan wasn’t an abusive person. Instead he decided he would act out old fantasies and he had no problem with defending himself. So if he knew Stan as well as he thought, Stan would have enabled this synthetic Daniella to be provoked, but unable to truly harm him.

“It’s been a long time, Daniella,” Kylan said as he walked towards her.

“I got here as soon as I could,” she said indifferently. At first Kye thought it was more sarcasm, but the lack of expression reminded him that she wasn’t as advanced as Portia -- no android was. Her response was direct. She couldn’t grasp some of the subtleties and innuendoes of human interaction. That didn’t deter Kylan, though.

He looked her over as he began to circle her. The facial resemblance to Daniella wasn’t exact; it wasn’t supposed to be. Even though it was just a coincidence, the robot’s features were quite similar, yet, unnaturally flawless. Daniella was beautiful, but this robot was more.

Her hair was now fixed the same way as Kylan had remembered the style Daniella wore. Shoulder length hair, straight and dark. Her bangs hung low on her forehead and the edges of her hair framed her face and statuesque neck, coming to rest lightly on her shoulders. Though her white hair band made her look like a younger girl, the M-67’s body was certainly more gratuitous. She had the body of a toned but voluptuous woman and she filled out the drab business suit she was wearing much more nicely.

Kye locked the door to the storeroom, although it was very unlikely anybody would come there. That was why he chose it. It served as linen storage for the medical station and was located in a sublevel of a large former department store. This meant he could also make things more comfortable if he decided to.

“Okay, so you got me alone,” she continued, “Do you think you could get to first base Kid… oh, I mean, Kye,” she said snidely.

Kylan let the barb fuel his resentment, although he did find it ironic that he was now about the same age as Daniella was when they first met. He was already anxious from waiting for her to arrive. He stood in front of her and pulled her close and kissed her hard while he grabbed her buttocks. “And he rounds to second!” Kye shot back at her. He wasn’t expecting to get slapped so quickly.

She pushed him away with inhuman ease. Even at a low level, the android’s default strength was enough to make him stagger. His cheek stung with a slight pain but it was just as he thought. Stan knew how to make things interesting and knew Daniella would not have made it easy for Kye. But at least now Kylan could have his way in the end… one way or another.

For Kylan, the synthetic woman before him became more than just a sexual conquest and even more than coming to terms with his feelings for Daniella. She represented all the girls who had ever rejected him, used him, manipulated him… humiliated him. All the sacrifices he made, all the pleasure he denied himself because of his shame and tortured conscience stood before him waiting for his next move. He copped a feel.

She leered as she slapped him again and he laughed madly as he playfully slapped her in return. He caught her arm when she swung one more time and then struggled to restrain her. Although it took all of his strength to hold her, the very fact that he was able to proved that she was programmed to react as she did. “You’re an Asssshole,” she hissed even though she didn’t have lungs, “What are you gonna do? Rape me?”

The last comment stung Kye more than her slap did and she broke free when he relaxed his grip. She looked at him impatiently, “Hmph,” she said in disgust, “Armando would have just taken me.” She was only running an extremely elaborate program but she spoke as if she really was Daniella.

Now it was Kylan who was being provoked, but he was more fascinated than upset. In that instant he understood what Stan meant when he suggested that the illusion of emotion could be just as fulfilling as the real thing. He was confronting things that had haunted him for years and he felt a sense of peace coming over him.

“You’re right. That’s exactly what Armando would have done… That’s exactly what he did. I’m not going to rape you, Daniella; that’s not my style. I’m going to challenge you.” He put his finger on her forehead and pushed.

“Oooo, Big Bad Man wants to fight a girl!” Stan must have really hated Daniella to have programmed this droid to act so bitter. But her attitude was very true to her namesake and Kye was now seeing that. His years of idealizing his memory of her were having a harsh wake-up call.

“Cut the crap. You’re a machine and I wouldn’t stand a chance against you in a fair fight. Besides, we both know I could just order you to sleep with me if I felt like it.” It was as if Kylan was reminding himself as much as he reminded her.

“Okay, wise guy. What do you propose?” She seemed intrigued.

“Since you obviously gauged my strength when I restrained you just now, I want you to wrestle with me within my limitations. Adjust your strength to match mine. If I can pin you, you stop being such a bitch and be a little more cooperative.”

“And if I pin you…” she said hesitantly.

“Then I’ll probably enjoy it,” he said aloud, “but you can keep on being yourself for now. But I won’t stop Portia or any of the other Girls from kicking your ass.”

“Miss-Fit is probably the only one that could fight me; I’ll have you know. Since FrankenStan wants me to cover your tail he made sure I would be able to, SO YOU’RE ON!” She immediately took a crouching fighting posture and looked ready to spring for attack.

Kylan quickly matched her stance and they began to circle each other. He was a strong man but he knew that he was still hardly a match for the harmless looking beauty he was about to fight. Her expression went blank but retained that inviting, somewhat smiling, look she had in the tunnel when he found her.

She became very focused just as Kye was hoping she would because he would probably only have one shot. Although he was larger than her and had a longer reach, she was six inches shorter than him and had a lower center of gravity, so she had the advantage. And that is without considering that machines had even quicker reflexes than his sharp athletic ones.

For his own peace of mind and for his plan to work, she had to be the first to attack. Fortunately, he sparred with Portia on a regular basis. She taught him some Tai Chi and Aikido to help him escape from potential capture and Kylan never had to worry about hurting her. Without the right weapons, leverage and redirecting energy were the only effective countermeasures a human had against her kind.

Kylan fooled the synthetic Daniella into making the first move and it was too late for her to correct it. She jumped at him with incredible speed, but he was ready for her and dropped backwards while he kept her momentum going, flinging her into a hamper against the wall. He quickly rolled to the side of the hamper and caught her ankle as she sprung out an instant later. She landed hard on her back, but her placid expression didn’t flinch. It was now or never. Kylan had a tight grip on her ankle, though her sheer stockings and the loss of her shoe in the hamper made it slippery. Just as she hit the ground he twisted her powerful leg with all his strength and turned her onto her belly and, in one fluid motion, fell onto her back pulling her leg far backward with him.

“One… Two… THREE!” Kylan gasped and caught his breath as he felt the tension go out of the body beneath him.

He was still holding her supple, perfectly sculpted foot when she said, “So are you going to let me up or are you planning our honeymoon?” Her voice had all of the sarcasm, but none of the rudeness he had come to expect. She sounded… playful.

Kylan shifted to her side and began to caress her foot as the thin fabric of her pants slid down revealing her well formed calf. Kye was filled with adrenaline and felt light-headed. “Say ‘Uncle’,” he mused.

“Uncle,” she responded automatically and vacuously. She was still unable to distinguish his jest from a direct command. Portia could probably change that, but Kylan was beginning to enjoy the receptiveness of the droid. Kye was breathing heavily and he held the arch of her foot to his cheek as he stroked the length of her inner leg, pushing her pants up further as he did. Desire was overwhelming him and he gently rolled her over on to her back. “Aren’t you a little young to be my uncle?” she said irritably, but didn’t resist as he began to unbutton her blazer. She actually started to slide off her pants herself!

He smiled as he slowly brushed her bangs aside and looked deeply into her crystal blue eyes. Mechanical or not, they were beautiful and so was she. Logic no longer had a place here as his instincts began to take over. For so long his strong pride and sense of dignity kept him from exploiting his opportunities. He felt that giving in to this unnatural world would somehow make him less of a person and less of a man. But to whom was he trying to prove himself to when his restraint left him feeling unfulfilled? There were so many times he had denied himself of so much potential pleasure and that potential contentment.

He felt shame because of the beliefs imposed on him as a child. Beliefs that no longer had a place in this world and would be unappreciated by those he had cared for if they were still in his life. He realized that the android lying beneath him wasn’t some cheap mockery of a woman he once loved, but a means to mock her betrayal and to gain a reckoning. After all, wasn’t living well the best revenge? And the machine proved she could be everything Daniella wasn’t while keeping the best of what she was. Stan was right and so was Portia; Kylan deserved better. Being an android herself, Portia had unique insight and Kye had a feeling she could reprogram this android even better than Stan could. But Stan had apparently spent hundreds, even thousands, of hours building this droid’s strong personality. Stanley was only waiting for the right time to use it as a gift to Kylan, so Kye wanted to keep most of it intact. “This isn’t some weird ‘inbreeding’ ritual, is it?” the M-67 said accusingly.

Kylan ignored the insult and kissed her hungrily. His tongue parted her lips to find hers moistened in anticipation and as welcoming as if she were human. She put her arms around him and matched his passion and he felt all his biases and inhibitions slipping away. “Aura,” Kye exhaled.

“I am not familiar with that function,” the response was once again automatic as she said it between kisses. But instead of ruining the mood, Kylan actually found himself becoming even more aroused now that he had finally begun to let go of his feelings for Daniella and accepting that he could find pleasure with a machine.

“No, no,” he said as he started to go down on her, unbuttoning her blouse and releasing her bra, finding pleasure in her warm bare bosom that offered cold comfort once before. “That’s my new name for you… It’s Aura… It’s not Daniella anymore…” And to antagonize her memories as Daniella, “It was Portia’s idea,” he added, knowing that the real Daniella had hated the fair fembot simply because Stan preferred his lover to a human. Daniella had also hated that Kye considered a female android a real friend.

Aura looked at him for a moment. “Okay, but I get to name your penis,” she quipped angrily, having to accept a direct command. She remained receptive, though, as he continued to go down on her. As Kye kissed her soft abdomen he could feel her powerful synthetic muscles flexing underneath as her body began to writhe. He slowly pulled down her panties and her taupe stockings while stroking her incredible skin.

Her legs were so smooth that she had no need to accent them with hosiery, but Kylan liked the idea of seeing her wearing all kinds. He knelt as he finished removing the garments. She had no pubic hair, only the open invitation of her fleshy, yet perfectly symmetrical vagina. Kye’s heart was pounding as he began to take off his clothes while she removed the rest of hers and then piled linens on the floor before she lay back to await him.

He slowly crawled between her legs to meet the promise of ecstasy and the final step in letting go of the past. He faced her as he positioned himself, unable to believe he wasn’t dreaming. Just as he felt her sweet wet heat engulfing his aching lust, she locked her legs around him and pulled him close. She held him firmly, but not too tightly, though he could not break her hold… and he didn’t want to. She began to rub her legs across his backside and wrapped her arms around him.

She kissed him passionately, begging for his thrusts and Kylan was never one to refuse a lady. Reeling with euphoria, he didn’t hear the doorknob being turned and the door easily forced open when the lock held. Aura immediately rolled him onto his back and shielded him protectively, her catlike poise ready to defend him as she faced the doorway.

If the pretty android nurse standing there were human she might be called Hispanic. She and Aura locked gazes as they instantaneously relayed their identification to each other.

Kylan looked up in a daze at the traditionally dressed nurse. “I see London; I see France…” he said with a drunken chuckle.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Renson, this area must remain sanitary,” she said as she robotically grabbed a few clean sheets. Her movements were smoothly mechanical and precise.

“I’m cleaning his pipes right now,” Aura grinned.

“Don’t worry. I’m not contagious!” Kylan was feeling too good to be discouraged, “Do you want to join in?!” he asked enthusiastically.

“No, sir. I’m on duty,” she replied flatly as she went towards the door. She was about to close it behind her when she turned and said, “Perhaps later,” and a plasticine smile spread across her golden tanned face before she left.

“Yes. Perhaps later,” Kye thought in a stupor. Aura rose above him on her knees and reached down to gently guide his penis back into her. Her torso began to roll slowly and rhythmically as his hands explored her thighs and hips and soon found her ample and incredibly soft breasts. His thumbs fondled her erect nipples and she moaned and arched her back so realistically that Kye could only imagine what more the far superior Portia, with all her understanding, would program into Aura. But, for now, nothing else mattered.

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