User talk:Nekosaur

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Paul was feeling bored so he decided to walk to the local Blockbuster to see if they had any new gynoid related films. It was lonely living in the big city, he had tried the dating scene, but his shyness hampered the start of any serious relationship. The internet seemed to be a godsend for him, unfortunately the women on the internet never turned out to be what they said, even if they showed up for the "initial" meeting. It was a freezing cold day and the wind was whipping up Ninth St. almost pushing paul towards Broadway. Paul was about to cross Broadway at the light when he noticed a stunning brunette with blue eyes leaning against the building next to him. She was wearing tight sweat pants and a medium weight shirt, not nearly warm enough clothes, considering how cold it was. Paul couldn't keep his eyes off of her, she was tall and voluptuous. She appeared to be looking accross the street with her lips moving as if she were thinking out loud. Paul was so distracted he was almost hit by a bus as it pulled up to the curb. The 'walk' sign lit up, and Paul began to realize how cold he was and rushed accross the street into the video store. It was nice and warm inside and Paul walked over to the new release dvd section to see if there was anything he hadn't seen before. The videos, in new section, didn't appeal to him and he began looking through various sections of videos. Paul finally found some promising movies and began to wait in line. There were only two people in front of him, but the customer at the counter was arguing with the employee about late fees, so Paul was in for a long wait. Paul looked down at his watch and realized he had been in the store for over an hour already. When he finally got out of the store, he lit up a cigarette and began to cross the street. He was shocked to see the same beautiful woman in the same position. Her lips were moving much slower, but she was still leaning on the building looking accross the street. Paul's shyness subsided to the fact that this beautiful creature may be in real danger. It was much to cold for her to be out there for that long in the cloths she was wearing. He walked over to her and asked her if she was alright. She didn't change her position or actions one bit. Paul touched her arm and before he could speak realized how strangely warm it was, considering she had been there so long. He leaned closer to her to try and hear what she was saying. In a hushed monotone voice he heard, "reroute energy to mantain proper temperature, temperature not satisfactory". Paul put his face to within inches of her's and quietly tried to interupt her, "Miss, are you O.K.? Where do you live." The woman's head cocked and she sputtered out, "All systems functioning heat parameter not maintained at proper temperature. I live in the building with the green awning apartment number 9C...reroute energy to mantain proper temperature, temperature not satisfactory". Paul lightly put the lady's arm in his and helped her walk to the building accross the street with the green awning. The doorman greeted him and the woman with a smile. Paul walked to the elevator and pushed the 3 button. The woman just kept repeating herself. The elevator doors opened and Paul helped the woman to the door marked 9C. He rang the buzzer, but nobody answered. Paul asked the woman where her key was. Her head angled toward him again and she said, "In my sock." The woman stopped repeating herself and looked blankly at the door. Paul leaned her against the wall, she almost seemed stiff, and began unrolling her sock. "Great the key fell down into her shoe.", Paul mumbled to himself as he tried to retrieve it. Carefully taking her running shoe off and peeling down her sock, he began looking for the key. Paul realized it had slid under her foot and reached for it. Paul's hand snapped back as he felt something strange under her foot, it almost felt like the bottom of her foot had a circular whole in it. As Paul stepped back, the woman slumped to the ground. In plain view now Paul could see the bottom of her foot and a circular red button recessed in it. Without thinking Paul grabbed the key, opened the door and dragged the woman inside of her apartment. Paul leaned her against the leg of her couch and looked at the button on the bottom of her foot. All of the sudden he realized seeing her there staring off into the distance, imobile, with a button on her foot was beginning to arouse him. He got closer to her and touched her face. Strangely, her skin seemed much colder now. Paul looked down at her foot and pressed the button. In the silence he could hear a faint click coming from somewhere near her waist. He became extremely aroused and began to take her sweat pants off. Her legs were perfect. His eyes raced from her toes to her pink pantys. He spread her legs and saw a panel that was open on her right thigh, he almost missed it as his eyes raced to her crotch. In the panel, Paul could see a plug, he pulled on it and a retractable cord came out. Paul began to look for an outlet and then it hit him. The gorgeous woman leaning against the couch was an android. Paul's excitement and curiosity became to much for him. Slightly blushing, he took the androids shirt off and saw the most unbelievable chest he had ever seen in his life. Her breasts were probably large c's, and stood up perfectly without a bra. As Paul sat her on the couch he noticed another recessed button in the small of her back. Not currently interested in that, Paul made short work of the satinlike pink pantys. He stepped back to take the whole of her in. She was spectacular from head to toe, the perfect woman. Paul stood admiring her and figured if she looked that good lying on the couch, she'd look even better in action. he grabbed the plug and plugged her in, hoping that that was all she needed. Paul was exhausted after the whole ordeal and laid on the couch with his head on her lap. Paul was awaken abruptly by someone yelling. His eyes focused and a beautiful face was looking down at him, screaming. Paul was thrown to the floor and watched the plug retract into the beautiful womans thigh, as she began to close the panel. "What do you think your doing in here?", the the pretty android screamed. Paul watched her chest bounce while she screamed, and was mesmerised. "I'm going to call the police!", she said as she walked past Paul towards the computer desk where the phone was. "I found you on the corner frozen and tried to help you.", Paul blurted while still staring at her chest bounce. The android grabbed the phone and started to dial, "Tell it to the police!" Paul pleaded with her in desperation, but she just kept dialing. Paul saw the button in her back and figured he had nothing to lose, so he pushed it. The Woman jerked up straight and a monotone voice came from her lips,"Shut dowwn Innnitiaated." her head fell forward and she stopped moving. Paul hungup the phone and nervously looked around the apartment. He saw the woman's image on the computer monitor. Paul sat at the computer desk and assessed what he was looking at on the monitor. It was a diagnostic program for the android. Paul tried clicking on several areas of the screen and realized as he pinted to an area of the androids body on screen, words would pop up describing what was in that section of the android and when he clicked the mouse, it would show him how to open the panels to get to those parts. Paul spent 20mins. going over the program when he finally pointed the mouse at the head. Bingo, there was a programming port in the back of her head and all Paul had to do was pull the white strand of hair on her head. Paul quickly found the white strand in her shiny, dark brown hair and pulled on it. Sure enough a programming panel opened up right where he saw it on the screen. Paul picked up a cable and plugged it into the back of her head. He started to get aroused again, and began fondling her nipples. They were so life-like, Paul imagined they would get hard if she were activated. Paul slowly moved his hand down to her vagina, it was not wet, but he was sure it would be if she were aroused. Paul immediately sat down at the computer and scanned the program files for something that might help him program this incredibly sexy gynoid. Paul found a program called JULIEGUI.EXE. He quickly clicked on the link and sure enough, an unbelievabley easy to use programming screen came up. So Julie is her name he thought. The screen had settings for everything from speach to movement, to attitude and mood. Paul quickley thought of how he would make Julie his perfect woman. Lips = Powty, posture = good, Mood = happy, speech = monotone, movement = jerky, awareness = knows she's and android. When Paul hit the "Next" button on the bottom of the screen, he was happy to see that Julie's programmers left out nothing. Sexuality = bi, experience = virgin, inhibitions = none, aggresivenes = extremely, roll = servant. After Paul completed all of his answers, he hit the finish button and Julie shuddered then came to life. As Paul pulled the cable out of the back of Julie's head, he felt her hand reach down towards his member. It stood straight at attention. In a monotone voice Julie blurted out, "New programming initiated, how may I please you master." Paul lost control and orgasmed before he had even gotten his pants off. Julie felt the moisture and smiled warmly at Paul, "My sexual part is also wet" she said as she guided his hand to her gushing lips. Paul couldn't believe it, they were wetter and softer than he imagined they would be. As she began to moan he could feel himself stiffening again. He leaned forward to kiss her and she rapped a leg around his waist. Everything about her felt so real.She was teasing him by keeping her vagina just above his manhood. He squeezed her nipples and she moaned while they became firm. "Why did you save me earlier when I was malfunctioning outside?", she asked, her voice still in monotone. "I saw you needed help", Paul replied, "What happened to you out there?" "I went to the drugstore to get some batteries for my wireless mouse and when I got out, my body temperature went below acceptable levels. All of my power was diverted to my warming system so I could maintain my illusion of being human, unfortunately it was to cold and I got caught in a loop." As she got done saying, "Do you know what I do for men who save me?" she thrust herself down onto his manhood. Paul tried to thrust himself up into her as far as he could, but accidently pushed the button in on her back. Julie tried to jerk and straighten up like she did before, but could not do it with Paul inside of her and awkwardly said, "initiaatinng shuuut dowwn.", while her leg rotated around Paul's hips forcing her body to tighten and loosen around him. Paul was in pure exctasy when Julie started Moaning, "Ohh Initiattting ohhhhh shutttttdowwwnn ohhhhhh malfunctiooooooooohhhhhhhhhn." Paul exploded as Julie's eyes rolled back and she let out an incredible scream. Paul pulled himself out of Julie, she stood up straight, her head tilted down and she stopped moving. When Paul woke up the next morning, he called out sick from work. He reloaded Julie's initial programming with some minor modifications to her mood and programmed her to turn on several minutes after he left. He thought to himself, if he ever needed a date or even some good sex, he still knew where her buttons were, and he wouldn't be to shy to use them. TBC... Code