This page will (eventually) provide assistance for the editors of FembotWiki.
For now, a great place to learn about editing a wiki is the Wikipedia help page.
If you have specific questions, you can ask them right here on the "talk" page. Just click on the discussion link above.
These are some icons you can use while editing: <gallery> Image:SaguaroFinger.jpg Image:Robot.gif Image:Icon wink.gif Image:Icon twisted.gif Image:Icon surprised.gif Image:Icon smile.gif Image:Icon sad.gif Image:Icon rolleyes.gif Image:Icon redface.gif Image:Icon razz.gif Image:Icon question.gif Image:Icon neutral.gif Image:Icon mrgreen.gif Image:Icon mad.gif Image:Icon lol.gif Image:Icon idea.gif Image:Icon exclaim.gif Image:Icon evil.gif Image:Icon eek.gif Image:Icon cry.gif Image:Icon cool.gif Image:Icon confused.gif Image:Icon biggrin.gif Image:Icon arrow.gif <gallery>