4.67 - Lessons Learned

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Day 1 - Campus orientation. Dull. They assume we're all idiots. Not that there weren't some idiots in the group, but people like me should be able to bypass this kind of remedial baby-sitting.

Day 2 - Housing office won't let me have a room to myself. Tried flirting with the housing director, didn't work. He had the gall to try to shame me for it. "Miss Parson, that sort of behavior blah blah" We'll just see about that. Campus handbook says exceptions in cases of psychological trauma.

Day 3 - Two birds with one stone. Housing director fired for "unethical exploitation of a student," and I get "psychological trauma" added to my record. Bye bye, former roommate (Ruth? Beth? Not like it matters), hello double floorspace.

I will *not* share my living space with some middle-class trash like that.

That night, some kind of mixer party. Couldn't tell who was drunk and who was just a moron. A few cute guys looked like they might be rich enough to be boyfriend material for a month or two.

One guy actually seemed to have some brains, wasn't bad looking. Didn't like how much attention everyone was giving him. REALLY didn't like how much attention he gave everyone else. Even spent an hour trying to cheer up some gloomy loser in the corner. Don't even see why that guy was there. He spent the whole night sulking.

Found out they're brothers. I can understand being nice to family, but he really shouldn't let his brother drag him down like that.

What party would be complete with out a pompous windbag? William Bosch showed up, loudly announcing his name for all to hear, as though we should know (or care) who he is for some reason. Gave a ridiculous speech, which too many people seemed to find funny.

Day 4 - First day of classes. Dull, redundant stuff. Two of my teachers didn't even seem to know the subject matter - gave the exact same intro speech, word for word. Weird.

Smart guy from party is in my marketing class. Turns out he's already got a doctorate! Doctor Kirk Peters. Kinda cute for a science geek.

One of the girls in my dorm was acting funny today. Seemed to have her head in the clouds or something. Walked into the laundry room nude, and acted like she was taking a shower. Some guys in suits came to her dorm later. She was a little less weird after that. Still annoying though. She won't shut up about some brand of deodorant.

Day 5 - Marketing essay already. Can't believe it. 300 words due in 3 days? I'll just copy the most obscure magazine article I can find.

Day 6 - Found an "Advertising Innovations" magazine. Readership under 2000 people worldwide. Annual "Breakthrough" awards from 5 years ago should be obscure enough.

Day 7 - Amazing. "Most Promising" award from 5 years ago:

"Marketing underdog WhisperedMotive unveiled bold new plans this year, giving ARAs a novel new use: Satisfied customers. Paid word-of-mouth advertising campaigns are hardly new, but often come across as insincere, and the complete stranger effect frequently renders it untrustworthy. But an honest testimonial from a friend or coworker - That's the kind of advertising that money just can't buy.

WhisperMotive hopes to change that with their long-term sleeper advertising proposal. It's an outlandish concept: Take an army of sleeper ARAs, program them with a compulsive preference for your product, and equip them with enough social interaction AI to befriend potential customers, providing the most sincere endorsement from a trusted colleague.

Initial testing has been limited to a handful of social clubs, but WhisperMotive hopes to roll out to bars, college campuses, and even hope to change existing labor legislation to add these ARAs to the unskilled workforce.

High hopes indeed, but only time will tell."

Can't find any other mention of WhisperMotive before or since, in any publication. Starting to think deodorant-girl might be proof they were successful.

Day 8 - Actually wrote essay, didn't bother copying it. Kept it speculative, mentioning sleeper marketing potential. Had to give a short presentation to summarize my paper. Kirk asked if he could talk with me about it sometime. Doctor means money, doesn't it?

Day 9 - C-minus on the report. Teacher called it "unrealistic" & questioned my lack of sources - original assignment specifically said "no sources required".

Kirk met with me this afternoon, was hanging out with that idiot Bosch for some reason. Was disappointing - Kirk actually wanted to talk about my report. Interesting though - says his family owns a patent for "college-instructor-level AI" licensed by several colleges. Illegal to use to replace jobs, but deep sleeper units with established home lives could avoid notice.

Showed me a list of behavioral characteristics. Might have to have a word with my Sociology professor. She's done everything listed.

Tried flirting with him - he seemed surprised, but went with it. Didn't ask me out yet.

Day 10 - Mentioned my sociology professor to Kirk: He wasn't surprised. Needed to impress him. Mentioned WhisperMotive thing & deodorant girl. THAT surprised him. Compared notes, he told me how to identify specific manufacturers' products, telltale behavior clues. Pretty sure deodorant girl isn't the only one in my dorm.

Kirk taught me some factory default admin command phrases and passwords that usually trigger a maintenance mode.

Later: Tried keywords on deodorant girl: I've never had this much fun! It was weird. It was like she was still a person, but she did -anything- I told her. I was skeptical at first, but when I had her show off her boobs in the dorm hallway, I had to take her back to my room.

She looked totally realistic, conversation mostly normal (except the deodorant fixation - took that out). Wanted to see how much control I had. Told her to call herself slut, whore, mindless fucktoy. She did each time. Felt a little disappointed for some reason. Didn't like the smile on her face.

Had to see how far I could take it:

Asked about her underwear: Big check (told me about her bikini thong and lace bra, offered to show them to me)

Asked about her sex life: Check (preference for boys, lets partner determine sex position, acts like anything other than missionary is a new and wonderful experience)

Asked about her partners: Partial check (only recorded marketing demographic info). Kind of pissed off she wouldn't tell me more, but she kept insisting she didn't have the info)

Asked about her kinky habits: Partial check (Didn't immediately understand question, had to define kinky: Told me number of toys provided by her owners, how frequently she used them, played with herself, and specifically defined behavior. Only plays with herself when potential for someone to find her doing it. When dating, keeps a small vibrator in her snatch, lets "boyfriend" control it)

Asked about her limits: Didn't know

Asked about what she'd never done: Had to go on a case-by-case basis. * Never licked a pussy * Never licked an asshole * Never 69'd a girl * Never taken a strap-on in the backdoor * Never deep-throated a dildo * Never been titty-fucked (!) * Never been fingered to orgasm (her orgasm program threshold, whatever)

Asked about other robots: She didn't know names, but identified wireless device addresses. Need to pass that along to Kirk.

Told her to strip: Check. Wasn't really impressed, she'd already walked naked in the laundry area.

Body: Totally realistic. Slapped her ass, felt real. Squeezed her tits, felt real. Kissed her, lips & tongue felt real. Fingered her pussy, seemed real. Had to finger myself for a better comparison. Didn't realize how wet I'd gotten. Came quicker than I usually do. Still wanted more, tried to give her first-times for stuff she hadn't done before. Maybe I can talk Kirk into titty-fucking her. Shouldn't be hard, but I want to watch.

Didn't feel like making her cum. Not my thing.

Day 11: Conclusively identified 14 more girlbots in my dorm, first floor alone. Only two accepted factory default passwords. Got a few more wireless device addresses to add to the list, then had some fun. Never had my breasts and pussy licked at the same time before. Might get deodorant girl to join in next time, let her kiss me.

Day 12: Found more girlbots around campus, total of 26 so far. Compared notes with Kirk, he found 8 robo-teachers (all female - think the Dean might have a say in the hiring process). Haven't found any male ad-bots yet: Marketing class said females make better spokespeople, so might be intentional.

Showed Kirk wireless device addresses, he grabbed list, ran off. Pissed, big time. Very disrespectful. I'll let it slide: He's useful.

Day 14: Hadn't seen Kirk for a while. Showed up out of the blue, excited, waving some home-made circuit board at me. Called it a directive interruptor. Looks fragile. Showed me how it works.

He'd put together a list of command modifications, uploaded them into the device. Device could detect nearby sleepers, allow selection of one or more (or all nearby) and broadcast new commands to them - including ownership data, core directives, behavioral responses.

I NEED ONE. Had to flirt with him way too much before he finally got the idea to ask me out. Hoping he would want to fuck, but would make him wait till tomorrow anyway - easier to get favors if he's hooked on the sex. Time for deodorant girl to have another first, I think.

Day 15: Kirk acted weird about doing deodorant girl at first. I offered to join in. Could tell he wanted it, but something made him hesitate. Simple solution, get his blood flowing away from the brain. Haven't done a three-way with a guy in a while. My first in nearly a year.

Kirk is... surprisingly good in bed. Don't usually cum before the guy does, but I like what he's doing for me. Seeing him titty-fuck deodorant girl went a long way towards that, I think. His body definitely looks better than I thought. He might even be worth keeping around for a while. Seems like his family's loaded, even if his brother is a total loser.

Day 17: My very own shiny new directive interruptor. Gave him another go at me as a reward. He didn't play with my tits enough, but I still got there first. He's good.

Day 18: WAY more 'bots than either of us suspected. Close to 100 students so far, maybe as many as 20 teachers. Don't know how many Kirk has found, don't care. I'm having fun with my new toys. Had sociology professor give a lecture about blowjobs, demonstrated on a volunteer student. Of course, proper technique required her to strip nude first, and when he was ready to pop, she let him come all over her face and breasts.

She gave normal lectures for the rest of the day, but didn't dress or clean herself.

Day 19: Two bot girls chatting, laughing, having fun. Thought I'd have some fun. Highlight of their conversation:

Girlbot1:"Hey, I was thinking, we're total sluts and completely brainless fuckdolls. Wanna strip naked?"

Girlbot2:"Oh wow, you read my mind. Except I don't have one."

Girlbot1:"You've got a totally hot ass. I bet you take it up the ass all the time."

Girlbot2:"Not as often as you deep throat guys. It's the most useful thing your head is capable of."

Girlbot1:"We are such mindless idiots. I know, let's go over to the fountain and destroy ourselves!"

Girlbot2:"I wish I was smart enough to know how to do that."

Girlbot1:"Maybe if we take each other apart!"

Rest of their conversation sounded like a downed power line.

Later, had deodorant girl accuse some random guy of feeling her up.

GOD I LOVE THIS THING! I barely have to touch myself to cum now. May never have to fuck anyone ever again.

Day 21: IT WON'T WORK. Can't lock onto a single bot. None of them respond to manufacturer keywords. What. the. hell. So frustrated! Got one data packet from an unknown device, but was scrambled or corrupted. Was probably from the Library's network anyway.

Day 26: Saw Kirk again. He looked pissed. Asked me about the interruptor. Told him it must be busted. Not busted. Said he heard about my games. Bastard had the nerve to look down on me, he can't judge me!

FUCKER NOTIFIED THE UNIVERSITY. They increased bot security. Kirk Peters gets a research grant. Helen Parson gets expelled. Fucking HATE Kirk fucking Peters.

Day 31: Got a call from the university. They still expect me to pay for "property damage" done to adbots and teachers. Talked about taking me to court. So angry. Must have really gotten to me, never vomited from anger before. At least I'm not on my period. Probably would have killed someone if I was.

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