An Overconfident & Cocky Cinderace-bot

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An Overconfident & Cocky Cinderace-bot

It was just one day, I was venturing around Isle of Armor in the Galar region, collecting Dynamax crystals and looking for some rare Pokémons I can't get in the Galar and Paleda regions. While venturing deep into the woods, I noticed something just leaning behind a tree. It was hard to make out what it is, but I didn't hesistate to sneak my way through and see the mysterious figure. But as I got close and was nearing from touching its shoulders, its hand suddenly grabbed me, raised me up easily and strongly until my feet doesn't reach the ground and it was glaring at me.

Me: "Woah woah! H-hey!?"

I took a good look at it and found out that it was a female anthropomorphic Cinderace, but is somewhat naked, her ears are long and her body is somewhat furry than a regular Cinderace, was wearing some kind of black arm and wrist band and leg straps, has lots of earrings around her ears, seems to have seams all over her body and face as well as her belly, cleavage and back and her eyes look somewhat digital as I can see what's through her eyes. She's no ordinary Cinderace, but a robot!

Cinderace: "Heh, sneaking up to try and catch me, are you kid? Didn't your mother told you not wander around the wild alone? And heck, with no Pokemon in your arsenal either? You sure got some guts, but a reckless and stupid gut at that."

She was smirking as she then let goes of my arm and dropped me down to my feet. She was right that I don't have any Pokémon team, as they're all already LV: 100 and are left back at the Galar region. However, what she didn't know is that I brought over 10 of each different PokéBalls and just one Master Ball and the fact that I have a Box system thanks to the professor from Paleda, that I can use to get any Pokémon I want, but I decided to test my luck with her and see if I can catch her.

Me: "S-so what? It doesn't mean that I don't have PokéBalls to try and catch you!?"

Cinderace: "Heh, try me loser. I'm a rare kind of Cinderace that NO ONE has ever managed to capture nor beat yet. No trainers even succeeded in defeating nor capturing me."

Me: "Doesn't mean that I can't try! Here I go!"

I reached into my bags and took one PokéBall and throws it at the Cinderace. She broke free. More and more and more I tried throwing all the Pokeballs I have at her, all failed to even make one wiggle. I was left with ONE Luxury Ball and the Master Ball. I couldn't risk using either of them and I was getting tired from throwing PokéBalls at her.

Cinderace: "See? Your attempts shows you no promising result. Heh, I am the strongest and you weak "Champion" are no match against me!"

She started to boast and show off, being cocky and overconfident that she's uncatchable. I was running out of ideas as I barely have any PokéBalls left. I kept looking at her continuing to talk trash at me, only to make me feel pissed and determined to catch her more. But I couldn't let her taunts get the best of me as I need to find a way to defeat her. I took another good look and it seems to me that I have realized that I overlooked the one thing that instantly gave me an idea. I smirked, took out my Rotom Phone, open the Box system and put one certain Pokémon into my team.

Me: "Hey you! Don't think I'm going to give up yet!? Go Jolteon! Grab onto her and use Volt Absorb!"

I called out a LV: 27 Jolteon from its PokéBall out to the field. Cinderace was surprised that I called out a Pokémon, but got distracted by it as Jolteon managed to grab onto her tightly and used Volt Absorb on her. You watch Cinderace yells and spun around, trying to get Jolteon off of her as it continues to absorb electricity coming from her, draining her. Because of that, Cinderace's cleavage, belly and back panel opened up without her knowing. Cinderace manages to get Jolteon off of her and used Pyro Ball on Jolteon, instantly fainting it. You called Jolteon back into its PokéBall and put it into your Box system again.

Cinderace: "Hah! Your weak Jolteon isn't even strong enough to take me down, even if you caught me by surprise!"

Cinderace thrash talks at you, but you didn't mind as you can visibly see what the screen from her open cleavage panel is showing. It seems that the Volt Absorb attack worked as it managed to drain Cinderace's battery power down to 1/4 block in the red and she couldn't tell cause her systems couldn't warn her.

Me: "Oh really? Then I don't need a Pokémon to take you down. Go ahead, use your moves against me, if you're so sure that you can win."

I taunted at her, using my hand to signal her to try me. She fell for my taunt as she then used Swift at me. I managed to dodge her attack as I just watch her. She kept using her moves and was going for her special move, Pyro Ball. I prepared myself and took cover as the attack hits the rock I hid behind. Cinderace looked tired out but looks at you with her arms folded and a smirk.

Cinderace: "He-heh...Trying to hide now huh? Well...looks like you're all...bark...annddd...noo...bbiiiitttttteeeeeeee......

Error...Error...Battery...Critically Low...Rare_Cinderace_Fembot...Shutting...Doowwwnnnn...... "

And just like that, her systems starts to drone and slow down as her head slowly droops down and slightly twisted to her right. Her flickering digital eyes blankly gazes forward as the light from her eyes slowly turns off and her smirking smile remained. And there she remained, arms folded, standing idly, unresponsive and fully powered down. The "unbeatable" rare Cinderace, finally defeated. I was giggling with a smirk as I went closer to her grope her breast with one hand while the other rubs her waist.

Me: "Who's weak now, you overconfident, cocky Cinderace fembot~"

I stepped onto her feet and raised myself a bit, leaned forward and kissed her lush lips before taking out my last Luxury Ball and tapped her nose with it. She was beamed in and the ball starts to wobble. Once...twice...trice...and...Click. I finally caught her and it was so easy.

Soon after, I decided to head to a nearby Pokémon Center, where I got Jolteon healed up. After that, I head into my given room, where I took call out Cinderace. She remained standing while her body leans forward, her arms limply remains on her sides, her eyes remained open but dull and lifeless, and her lips slightly puckered but softly smiling. I have her lie on the bed while I use my computer and access into her systems. Seems that it'll be tough as there's a admin passcode needed. However, it didn't stop me as I used my skills to hack in and find the code to unlock the passcode. Once I did, I was granted the access to change her to however I wished. I only removed any admin credentials it's set to and registered myself as an admin and owner. Once I applied that into her, I disconnect my computer, turned it off and put it into my bag and then took out her extendable charging cable next to her power core and plugged her into the outlet next to my bed. Her eyes was blinking slowly on and off and her cleavage and back panel closed shut, indicating that she's recharging. I smiled as I then joined into bed, cuddled and lewded her body and slowly drifted to sleep while hugging her. The next morning, I woke up to see her active and was just sitting by the chair next to the table. She was looking at you, quite intimidating.

Cinderace: "Have a good night sleep with me as your teddy bear huh "master"."

Me: "O-oh hey. Morning..."

Cinderace just stood up and walked to me and just continues to give me the intimidating glare. She got so close that she sat on bed, leaned closer and just gazed deeply into my eyes as I looked at her eyes, quite intimidated from her glare. I thought that she's going to do something to hurt me, considering that I got her in a "easy" way...But to my surprise, I was given a kiss instead. She chuckled and just gave a soft smirk.

Cinderace: "Heh. I can't be mad that you managed to beat me. Seems that you are worthy to be around with. But I do expect that you give me better treatment cause if you don't, I'll surely not listen to you."

Her intimidating talk was still cocky, but was dominating.

Me: "Oh, yeah sure. I can deal with that easy~"

I giggled as I hugged her and have her lie on bed with me. We both cuddled and have fun messing around with our bodies and playing together on bed. Cinderace seems to enjoy it as she was smiling.

Cinderace: "Heheheheh, sigh...Man, it's just the first day and I'm starting to enjoy this. Heh, with me in your team, I can guarantee that we can beat anyone who oppose us!"

Me: "Heh, yep. I may have won the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alolan and currently completed the Galar Pokémon Leagues, I still haven't beaten the Paleda Pokémon League just yet. In fact, I already have my Paldea's starter Pokémon who's now evolved to her final form too."

Cinderace: "Hm, seems like our road is just getting start in Paldea then! We should get going then!"

Cinderace seems to be eager and energetic as she's so confident that with you, she can be in the Pokémon League, taking down the strongest of the strongest and showing her strength with your most powerful team.

3 Weeks Later...

Three weeks it has been when I caught the rare Cinderace fembot in the Isle of Armor back in Galar region. She and I have been doing so much battles and winning through gyms and fighting Titan Pokémons as well with Arven.

(W.I.P. To Be Continued)