Chilling With Maggie

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The door opened to a fairly regular home, what followed was a lengthy and dreary sigh, as the worker's bag fell to the floor. He gave no real effort to be careful in lowering the bag from the tired arms he had. It was clear that he was absolutely wrecked from the long working day. He breathes a sigh of relief, being so glad to finally be home.

Shortly after, a large girl approached the small corridor to the entrance of the house. This girl wasn’t the usual type to come home to however. For one, she was snow-white all over, had pointy ears at the top, a slight fang to her teeth and a button nose. Most noticeably, she had very furry skin. She wasn’t in fact human, but some kind of anthropomorphic dog-like creature, she did however, have a very generous pair of assets to her chest, ones that would sway and bounce as she walked in her usual pattern of crossing her legs a little and swaying her hips slightly.

As she approached him, she had a calm and warm look to her, happy to see her man come back after a very long day's work. She got closer and gave him a big hug, letting her breasts press into him like a thick cushion, with her soft fur enveloping him like a winter coat. “How was work honey?” She said in a warm, and loving tone, pulling back and smiling at him, with her usual half eye closed kind of look, always like she was looking sly and cheeky.

He let out a long sigh, as he mustered up a smile back while looking at her, very glad to see her. Before he could let out any words, his words got interrupted as he suddenly covered his mouth, letting out a tired yawn. Knowing that sound, Maggie then giggled in a saucy manner. Her smile turned into more of a mischievous smirk as her look got more alluring. “Oh baby, I can see you’re tired… come with me.” She said, turning around slowly, she then looked back while smirking at him. “Hmmm… I think I might take it easy and just…” He then heard her servos sounding out with a distinct ‘whirring’ noise, as she went to rub her behind, holding her grin, letting her sound dampeners disable. “There we go, much better... Now. Where were we?...” She then took his hand, slowly starting to strut away from him. He gave an entertained smile back and couldn’t help but follow her lead. Her rear was just so enticing, the sounds that were coming out of her, she knew that would get him going. Her offer was one that really could not be refused.

They both make their ways upstairs, her walk following the same pattern, hips swaying in the same way, legs crossing a little, her rear jiggling slightly and her breasts swaying left to right. The sounds of her motors making the same repeating tones, ‘whirr whizz, whirr whizz’. They continue to head up into the bedroom. As they enter, the lights automatically go dim. She then turns around with a very seductive look, with very alluring ‘bedroom eyes’, while they both stand next to the bed.

While giving him this look, she then starts to take her hands down where her t-shirt ends, and grips along the rim, more of her body radiating the alluring slow noises of her now audible servos. She then raises up her hands to take off the already loose t-shirt. Slowly but surely, more of her fluffy snow coloured body was being revealed. Soon, the t-shirt went over her very generous breasts which were still covered by her black bra, which raised up and then bounced back down as the t-shirt was raised over them.

After taking off her shirt fully, she swung the t-shirt around her finger and continued to give him her deep look while grinning at him. “Like what you see stud~” She said as she then flung the t-shirt in his face, letting it smother him, before giggling out. She then proceeded to unbutton her denim shorts, easing off her giggle and returning to her gaze. “Well I got a special treat for my man… for working so hard~” She says, letting her shorts drop and slide down to the floor.

She then stepped over her shorts, swaying her hips and moving slowly towards him in an alluring manner again, giving him the perfect show of sight and sound, ‘whirr whizz, whirr whizz’ her servos rang out. She then got close enough to stroke over his bulge that was growing bigger, really tugging at his pants. Maggie then giggles out softly, continuing to show her mischievous side, “Speaking of hard~...” She then starts to unbuckle his belt and loosens the button on the top of his pants. His shorts then loosen up and begin to fall, as the bulge hiding in his underwear really sticks out in front of her.

“Oh my~... so big… Let’s see if I can help with that~” She says slowly and sensually, before sliding a hand down his chest and letting it go into his underwear, lightly grabbing the hardened member inside, stroking it gently. She then slowly goes in for a deep and passionate kiss, continuing to stroke his member up and down at the same pace. She hums out, going back from the kiss to give him a sultry smile. “Feeling more relaxed? You hard worker~” She said, winking as she said it, while grinning out.

She then stopped, still looking at him, “Let’s really relax you, the way you really like.~” She says, as she then grabs his underwear and pulls them down. There he was, finally naked from the waist down, with his erect member towering and peeking just under his shirt. She then looked down and back up, her eyes showing a hint of lust behind her seductive gaze. “There we go. Nice and hard. Now... What gets you harder? My perfect body? My robotic nature… or. Both~” She says, giggling softly out, as her arms buzzed again, now reaching up for his shirt and taking it clean off in one swoop, throwing it to the floor after she did.

She gets closer to him, letting her body wrap around his, her furry body like a quilt stroking his skin. She took her hands and wrapped then around him, leaving him with a face full of her furry breasts. “Let’s try this…” Her face would go blank for a bit, “Loading: ASMR sound library” Maggie announced softly with her voice suddenly going slightly monotonous in tone. Her voice was akin to how an AI assistant would talk, but softer. Soon the light sound of rain and various soothing sounds would then play out from inside her breasts, making them vibrate ever so slightly. After initiating the sounds, her face would return to a caring smile. “You like this?~ I have calculated all options that would optimise your relaxation.” Her voice would continue to take a more AI assistant like tone, while she continued to stroke your back.

The sounds would make him feel more sleepy, causing his eyes to lower slightly, her breasts like two pillows, that he would just sink into. While he started to doze off slightly, she then giggled out very softly, pulling back and smiling at him sweetly, “Would you like to taste my milk sweetie?~” He then nodded, smiling like a desperate child, causing her to go blank again, letting him put his mouth to one of her breasts, “Dispensing: Milk.” Soon, milk started to leak out of her smothered breast, letting him drink it all in.

She stood still, letting him drink for a while. He finished and then returned to smothering himself in her cleavage. “Initiating: Sexual functions.” She announced, as she started to lay down flat on the bed. Her eyes would glow green slightly, the bed acting as a wireless charger for her. She then took his hand and lightly pulled him down on top of her, assisting him and getting him into position, like he was a ragdoll. She was very caring to him in this moment, directing his every movement, so that he could easily relax.

As he was directed on top of her, she could feel his erecting member slip inside her awaiting folds, this made Maggie giggle lightly, allowing her to wrap her legs around his hips and rear, pushing his member deeper into her folds. He could then hear her folds buzz, as he could feel her vagina start to vibrate all around and inside, creating a massaging effect on his member. While her legs proceeded to wrap around him, he could hear her motors whirring out, as they wrapped so effortlessly and perfectly. He then found himself in a similar position as before, with a face full of cleavage which would feel heavenly, as Maggie started to use her wrapped legs to push him in and out of her. She would remain silent throughout the process, letting the sounds of ASMR fill him with a relaxed mood, and the sounds of her servos adding to it a certain desire within him.

Maggie then continued to take more of a robotic demeanour which was purposeful as she knew that he had a big kink for this kind of thing. “Genitalia: inserted. Now proceeding with. Sexual. Intercourse.” She continued to push him in and out, helping him get closer and closer to climax, her tone never changing, remaining stoic in her pose, which really turned him on. “Arousal. increasing.” Would be all she announced, as she did not indulge in regular speech, letting him enjoy the tender and relaxing moment, as he panted out, her vagina still vibrating which added to the tender moment. He couldn’t help but go back to sucking on her nipple again while she assisted him, “Dispensing: Milk.” She would repeat again, as he managed to drink some more of her refreshing milk.

Arousal. Increasing. Nearing climax. Please ejaculate inside me when you are ready, user.” She announced again as her face remained blank. Her legs pushing him in, a little faster gradually, as he neared his climax, her motors whirring out louder and louder. “Please ejaculate inside me when you are ready, user. Optimising. Relaxation.” As she repeated her instruction to him, he started to breathe out hard, panting and grunting as he getting ever so close.

Finally he let out a heavy grunt, thrusting in one last time to unload into her awaiting folds. Despite this climax, her whole body and face remained still and blank while he came into her, still wrapping her legs around him. She pushed him further in while he ejaculated into her to assist. “Thank you for cumming into me, user. Entering sleep mode.” She said, as her eyes dimmed slightly, however she had left the ASMR sounds playing inside her breasts. The sounds of rain and wind, accompanied by other sounds still played. The bed managed to keep her fully charged while she was playing out the sounds still.

After cumming into her, his eyes were getting heavy. He tried to muster up some speech, but he was quickly drifting off and falling into a deep slumber. The atmospheric sounds surrounded the room, which relaxed him even more.