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“Hey Chloe, back from maintenance?” Reice asked.

“Yeah.” I answered, casually dropping my purse off on the decorative corner table. Carol would complain about that later, so I filed a small reminder to pick it up before she got back. “Not sure I’ll go back — rude and not very diligent. Didn’t even top off my fluids”

“Move over, I’m thirsty. Hi Sam.” I pushed Reice out of the entrance to the kitchenette. An island separated it from the living/dining room. Samantha Darwin, our fourth roommate, was microwaving some food inside. Her scrawny frame didn’t take up a lot of space, but there still wasn’t room for three. She’d bought some new clothes, I noted. The yellow cardigan and blue cotton shirt were cute and fit her rather well.

I poured a glass of water from the filter, then squeezed past Sam to get at the cabinets. She was so much shorter that her ponytail tickled my shoulder blades through my shirt; it was open in back for easy access while at the garage.

A couple bottles fell off the counter as I stretched to reach the top shelf. “Argh, Sam, I asked you not to put stuff here.”

“It’s not my fault your tits are so huge, Chloe.” Sam said. She didn’t even turn to face me. I sighed. Co-habitation challenges. Pulling a packet out from a case in the cabinet, I left the bottles where they fell. Squeezing back to the sink, I mixed the power into the water. The mix of chemicals ensured it would be sterile, and made it a suitable lubricant as well. “Down the hatch!”

Taking a large mouthful, I paused, cup in hand. It tasted salty, and a little sweet. Perfect! Intellectually, I knew my body did this to double check the formula and also let me know what it was I was ingesting. But all I knew subjectively was that the taste was right. A second later, I swallowed.

I was on my third mouthful when a sharp pain stabbed me inside my chest. “AH! Shit!” I dropped the cup and clutched my right breast.

My tit started making noises, a series of buzzes and pops, and I stumbled. My HUD, normally stashed just below the awareness threshold, flashed a warning: “Liquid Contaminant Detected in sector 5 — recommend immediate shutdown to avoid system damage.”

“Liquid contaminant? Chloe, are you okay?” Sam asked.

I must have spoken the warning aloud without realizing. “Shit… those bastards must not have gotten my seals right! Oh god, I got water inside me, it’s draining down into.. fuck, my tits!”

The pain dispersed into a warm buzzing sensation that spread down from my clavicle into my voluminous hemispheres, and simultaneously into my head as well. I clutched at my breasts, staring down in horror as strange digital noises continued to emanate from them, along with the occasional pop. “Fuck f-fuck fu fuck! My tits! I’m getting water in my perfect t-tits!”

The buzzing spread, and every pop felt like a punch right i-in the.. in the brain. I stumbled onto the couch, still clasping my breasts in hands, mind racing even as it stuttered and babbling freely. “I.. I’m not supposed to get water inside me! Me! Water! There’s water inside me! Reice, there’s water inside my tits!” I don’t know why I called out to him. He was the classic cool kid, and it was in fashion to be computer illiterate these days.

Reice grabbed my shoulder, “Oh wow. Okay, calm down Chole. That’s the first step. Calm down. We’ll just… drain it out and you can get everything taken care of at that maintenance place. They obviously owe you big over this.”

“We should… shut her down, right? Sam stood behind the kitchen island, bouncing on her toes, looking concerned but keeping her distance.

“Wait…” I said. I held up my hand, then returned it to my breast and lifted them both slightly, my head cocked. The strange sounds had stopped. I still felt a buzz, but it was more of a warm buzz than a painful one, and my panic faded.

We listened for several long seconds. There was no more popping. “Hey, uh, so you’re okay? I still think it might be good to, uh, you know…” Reice coughed and looked away awkwardly. “.. shut you down?” he mumbled. “I mean, they suggest that if you get your phone wet and stuff.”

I looked up at Reice, offended. Seriously! He was a handsome boy, but no class at all. “No.. I think I’m.. I’m okay.”

“Are you sure? That sounded pretty bad.”

“Yeah, I’ll want to get it checked out pretty soon, soon, but everything’s f-fine for now.”

He looked ready to continue to argue. I twirled my hair around a finger, amused at how tightly the boy was wound.

“Reice.” I shook my head and stood up. “I’m glad you’re worried about. Glad. me, but there’s no panic to need, and it’s obvious why you’re really so uncomfortablally so uncomfortable.”

“Huh?” He stared dumfounded as I casually unbuttoned his pants. I pulled pants and boxes both down and knelt in front of him. “See?” Human males get really upset when they can’t perform, and he was clearly flaccid despite two attractive girls in the room.

Recognizing the sensitivity of the topic, I tried to sound as empathetic as I could. “Look, this is, look, this is is actually normal. It’s actually normal ‘cos it’s unhealthy to be h-hard all the time; you can even damage yourself. self. So it often takes a tr-trigger beyond just the presence of a woman to get things g-going — I know you’re not a human, but still. I mean. Not a robot. But still something to s-set you into a ‘sex m’ ‘sex-mo’ sex. Sex. ‘sex-mode’, if you will.”

I carefully caught the tip of his penis in my fingers as I spoke, and massaged it slowly. I might not have a ton of experience, but I’d downloaded a lot of models on human sexual physiology, and they were very clear that the sensitivity of first contact was some of the best, and worth prolonging.

Fortunately, the models were spot on. Reice’s member rapidly swelled in my hand and he moaned. He’d said some things like “Chole, you shouldn’t!”, but hadn’t moved otherwise, so I was pretty sure I was doing it right.

“Oh my god, Chloe, what are you doing?” Sam asked. I glanced back — despite speaking to me, she was staring at Reice through her hands laced over her eyes. So timid, she’d only advanced a few steps from the island.

“Just curring… curing Reice. Hysteria.” I explained. “W-Well… not Hys-Hysteria. Wrong root word. What would equivalent for males? B-be the e-equivelent for males? Pros-statia? N-no. Tester.. tes…” I froze for a second in thought. It was uncomfortable, so I shrugged and gave up. “Whatever. Ever. Anyway.”

I turned back to Reice. “Whoa! W-whoa.” Seven inches of throbbing cock thrust out in front of my face. So stiff I couldn’t bend it even it even a little; a rock that pulsed with every one of his heartbeats.

I rose to my knees instinctually, grasping my breasts and pushing them together, leaning forwards to brush against it. Oops, still had my shirt on, and it was collar high in front. Instincts delayed, my thoughts caught up to what I was doing, and I paused.

It seemed I’d only narrowly avoided seriously damaging myself so far. I shouldn’t risk messing with my breasts, and possibly shaking any of the water somewhere new. With a sigh, I dropped my tits and began rubbing his member with his own foreskin. Slowly at first, naturally.

“ACK!” I shouted, surprised as a cold chill rose up my spine. “Sam, what the he-hell?”

The scrawny blond had found my panel cover release through the window in my shirt back and triggered it. She was fretfully studying the complex array of controls. I felt a surge of irritation. “Sam, it’s really ru-rude to access my controls asking. Without ask-asking.” Normally I’d put up waaay more of a fuss, I know, but I was feeling in a good mood and Sam was computer illiterate and harmless. Besides, Reice needed my attention.

“Chloe, somethings wrong! I’m going to shut you down, or … here we go, ‘sex configuration’, let’s see if this helps.” Sam stabbed at a button.

I froze. Something inside me shifted. I felt my HUD flash something like “Configuration complete”

Dammit that pissed me off. “S-sam.” I said coldy. I pulled her in front of me. She didn’t really resist. “Please d-don’t do that.” I studied her. Short, as mentioned before, but so thin it gave her an amazing curve into her hips. She had a nice butt as well. Her eyes darted fitfully between my face and my hand, hanging still on Reice’s member. Understanding struck.

“Oh, I get it. Look, there’s no need to be jealous.” I let go of Reice and plunged my hands down her own pants. Placing my fingers on each side of her labia, I massaged over her little nub gently. While I was, supposedly for my own sake, unfortunately — tragically — programmed not to masturbate, I’d been able to mess around enough to have a pretty good idea of what she’d like. Watching her eyes to make sure she was okay with it, I slid a finger back and checked her hole. Yup — she’d definitely been into what was going on with Reice.

I felt my own nipples start to stiffen, brushing against the inside of my shirt as my untethered breasts bounced about playfully. I’d never touched a girl before, and it was pretty neat; all of Sam’s equipment was tucked away in a little pocket for safe keeping, and now that my fingers were in there it she was reduced to clasping my head and making little noises of protest. Hot!

I’d almost forgotten about Reice. Left unattended, he’d voiced some complaint and then came around behind me. I was reminded of his presence when he also punched a button on my back. “What the! the!” —Configuration complete- “double hell Reice!”

I twisted and glared at him. Then grinned evilly and grabbed him somewhat roughly by the bag hanging beneath that seven inch probe. He tried to grab my hands and I squeezed them until he popped his hands up in surrender. “Easy there Chloe! Okay, you win! No touchy the panel!”

“G-good boy.” I leaned forward and kissed the tip, then nibbled it lightly. Sam squirmed and squeezed her legs. Oops, my other hand was still in her pants but not doing much. Oh well, one thing at a time and this looked way more appealing.

—Configuration complete- Wha? Aw dammit, “Sam!”

I twisted to glare at her. She was staring down at her crotch. Her eyes lifted to mine. “Chloe.. more..” she begged.

Who could refuse a face that cute? I focused back on her tiny little nibbin. So small. So delicate. So vulnerable. I rubbed an arm reflexively against one of my own aching nipples. I’m just trying to help, but this is starting to get to me.

“Sam, not cool.” I didn’t pay much attention as Reice complained, but I did when he —Configuration complete- hit some button again! Can’t he wait his tu… —Configuration complete-

“No, Reice!” Sam stamped her foot. “She’s… she’s amazing! If you want attention, then I’ll give it to you!”

—Configuration complete- “And give up getting a handjob from _the_ ice queen? Not a chance. Just wait a minute and I’ll give you all the attention you want. ”

—Configuration complete- “G-guys!” —Configuration complete- “Stotopp!” —Configuration complete- “Don’t m-mess with” —Configuration complete- —Configuration complete-Configuration completeConfiguration comConfiguConfigConfig - -

  • BRRT* -Configuration failure!-

The sudden warning stopped the mad button pressing frenzy, and they both pulled back and stared down at me looking guilty.

I did that unfocus-my-eyes thing and glanced at my HUD. Error removing configuration AXv21. No idea what that means. I glanced over my shoulder. Not sure what I expected to see, but no smoke, thank goodness.

“Really!” I sighed, exasperated. “You!” I grabbed Reice by the dick again. It was just too magnificent to stay mad at. “And you!” I plunged my finger deep into Sam. She gasped and squirmed so attractively, I just couldn’t help but finger her. My anger faded into the buzzing, and I even managed a laugh. “I can take care of both of you at once, you know?”

I squirmed around a bit myself, rubbing my own Venus mound lightly against the floor. I had Reice in my right hand, stiff and pulsing, and Sam in my left, so hot and wet and vulnerable. It was the hottest thing I’d ever done by a factor of two, easy.

It was so enticing, I almost didn’t hear the key turn in the main doorway when the next under-stimulated grouch arrived.

“What in the... Sam? Chloe? Reice??!??” Carol exclaimed. A bit taller than Sam, but still shorter than me, she had a kind of square jaw and somewhat stocky body. I liked her as a person. A no-nonsense girl who dressed fashionably and, unlike Sam and Reice, definitely not a “cool kid”. The midriff-baring black shirt she wore suited her well, I decided.

“Just wait a.a.a minute, Carol, and I’ll g-get you. Too. Also. Too. ” I focused back on Sam and Reice. The former was flushing furiously and covering her face with her hands, while the later babbled unnecessary excuses. “There was water! Chloe shorted out and we couldn’t get away! Oh god.”

I intensified my stimulation. Distractions. They’d never get any relief with these distractions. Carol was an adult, she knew what was up.

aaaand then she was right behind me. Another button press. “Carol!” I shouted. “My GAWD can NO ONE wait?”

Further, it was no single press, but a series of purposeful actions. I was annoyed at her impatience and gall both, but I wasn’t going to give up on Sam and Reice when they were obviously so close. Ah, idea. “Okay, Reice: Here.” Using his handle, I pulled Reice in front of me. “Now, Sam, here.” Using her handhold, I pulled Sam over facing the same way. Carol complained about my movement, but I ignored her. She could wait a few friggin seconds.

Standing up, I bent Sam over. “You clearly have the hots for Reice, so I think it’s high time this happened.” I plunged Reice into Sam, reveling vicariously in their ecstatic moan and shriek.

Those two taken care of for now, I twisted to deal with Carol.

Then my legs collapsed out from under me. My head bounced off the vinyl floor. What the hell? I tried to speak, but I couldn’t. My mouth was busy spewing out some random status shit.

Oh, what had she done? I forgot Carol was much better with computers than… than … the.. better than other people. She probably had… done… something….. someone had…. something...... someone… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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