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March 17, 2015, 4:09 A.M. Cooper woke up in a pool of his own sweat. Breathing heavily he glanced at his alarm clock, and sighed. It was 4:09 A.M. Ever since his return he had been haunted by visions of the war. These "dreams" kept him from sleeping at night and were taking a serious toll on his mental being. Cooper knew that a return to slumber would be impossilbe, so he kicked off the covers and stumbled into his bathroom. The lights automatically came on and the ragged reflection that stared back at Cooper made him flinch. He rarely saw himself without sunglasses on, because he could not stand the image that was his lazy eye staring at god knows what around the bathroom. The sight of his eye reminded him of the accident in Tehran, and he silently thanked god that he was still alive. Water lapped up onto Coopers face as he ran it underneath the faucet rincing away all thoughts of war. He mounted a pair of blue tinted shades, and walked out of the bathroom.

March 17, 2015, 10:40 A.M. Cooper sat down on his living room couch and pulled his laptop off of the table and onto his crossed legs. The screen jumped to life as he entered his password. Few things made Cooper happy anymore, but he still viewed listening to music like it was meditation. His vast collection of music sprung to life instantly playing him "Soul Meets Body" by Death Cab for Cutie, one of his personal favorites. With music flowing through his mind Cooper was able to get to work. He opened a file of code that seemed to drag on for thousands of pages. The code he was working on was for an AI program, and it had been the main factor that had kept him sane throughout the past couple of years. Nobody yet had succesfully constructed an AI, but if there is one thing that Cooper learned while in the military, it was that it was possible. He had dedicated most of his time to developing the AI, and since he had no need for a job this resulted in thousands of hours of work. After the accident the Air-Force had rewarded Cooper with enough money to live life five times through...quite lavishly as well. He had hardly tapped into this sum of cash for developing an AI at home was relatively cheap.

Staring at the rolling pages of text, Cooper realized that the code for the AI was almost complete. The program he created to assist with writing the code should finish it up within a week. Cooper let it do its thing while he opened up another file containing blue-prints for a female android. These prints had been crafted by Cooper as well. His dream was to create the perfect companion in every way. To achieve this dream the AI would have to interact flawlessly with the hardware that was her robotic body.

March 17, 2015, 2:22 P.M. A heavily sweating UPS worker handed Cooper a slate to sign as he put his hands on his thighs and wheezed. "Man, bringing this shit all the way up to the top floor busted my balls," said the UPS worker. "Yeah, it's quite the trek," replied Cooper. "Haha, well enjoy whatevers in your package as much as I enjoy my trip down okay?" laughed the UPS worker. "Haha, okay thanks," said Cooper. With that he closed the door and opened the boxes. The contents of the boxes made Cooper grin. He had been waiting on these building materials for over 3 months. Microchips, metal, wires, and all other sorts of electronics poured from the first two boxes. The third box contained a roll of plastic that looked remarkably like human skin and some material that looked like hair. Cooper took another glance at the blueprints he had created on his computer and got to work.

He worked for days and days, and soon parts of the android began coming together. Cameras, audio receptors, and speakers were all placed neatly within her skull. All of these receptors were wired through her neck and took commands from all of the circuitboards and CPU in her chest cavity. Overall she possessed 20,000 GB in her hardrives, and 10,000 GB of RAM. Limbs were added along with servos and motors giving the bot the ability to move like a human. These servos also gave her superhuman strength and speed. A battery which he custom shaped to the contours of her back would give her three days charge. An elastic tube ran from the back of her mouth to a storage container in her abdomen. Here a chemical would break down the food and liquids swallowed into a steam that could be discretely released when she deemed necessary. Radar systems were installed, and a permanet link from her body to Cooper's computer had been established. She had a custom built modem so she could access the internet from anywhere. A coiled USB wire in her right thigh gave her the ability to connect to any computer, and a coiled power cord in her left thigh made it possible for her to charge anywhere. He also put sensors where her vagina would later be placed. After everything was installed Cooper put protective metal over her feet, calves, thighs, arms, and torso. A kevlar mesh was used to protect her joints and other flexible places that could not be protected with straight up metal. A panel was cut into her chest that could retract if she needed repair or upgrading. Each thigh also had a panel that when retracted would allow for either her USB wire or power cord to be put into use. After this was done Cooper put a half inch of soft foam across her entire body. Finally, on top of this Cooper molded the incredibly realistic looking plastic to her body. He meticulously sculpted her entire body face included.

April 8, 2015, 7:26 P.M. She had taken him three weeks of almost non-stop work to complete. He had thought heavily about what he should name her, but he couldn't decide on anything he liked. The AI had long since been completed, and Cooper was now eager to load it into the body he had created. Retracting the USB cord from her thigh he plugged it into his computer. He opened up the AI file, and with one click he transferred it from the safety of his computer to the unknown frontier that was the android body. Cooper saw that the AI code had dissappeared, and a nervous feeling began to build across his weary body.






audio/visual/speech_receptors...................Online left_side_servos..........................................Online right_side_servos........................................Online neck/facial_servos.......................................Online internet_link..................................................Online home_link.....................................................Online



personality_core........................Loading ........................Loaded


She sat up from her position as her perfect rounded breasts slightly jiggled. The only thing brighter than her smooth silky hair was the glimmer of light off of her teeth. She looked like an angel, and it seemed as though an aura sorrounded her. "Hi! I'm Jaime!"

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