Hex Maniacs' Shower Mishap

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As night falls over Hearthome City, the local Pokemon gym would be just another building that will be closing down for the long night ahead. As the various trainers that work there say their farewells after a long day of work, there is however, one such trainer that stands out from the youngsters and the ace trainers.

A Hex Maniac was that trainer; aside from her rather odd and generally unsettling personality, that wasn’t the main thing that drew most other trainers' attention; kept within a long black gothic dress was a rather massive pair of breasts and butt, the former gently sways side to side with every step she takes throughout the streets. Throughout her walk, her mind would flash memories of a trainer that would come into the gym almost everyday, challenging everyone there; though he is victorious against everyone else, he would always seem to lose against the gym leader. She admired him from the day he first fought against her; his strong will to come back and challenge everyone again and again, the sound of his masculine voice, his beautiful grey eyes… She blushes like mad as she was just about to indulge in her fantasies until she immediately stops herself. No, not here at least… She’ll do it when she’s… alone~.

She would finally reach her home, isolated from any other residential and commercial buildings. She enters the building, still red from her previous thoughts as she removes her shoes and sets them neatly inside. There’s nothing really remarkable about the interior of her residence, it’s usually something that you would see in any other house. She figures that she’ll get herself cleaned up first, then she’ll have some fun with herself before falling asleep~.

She moves through her home in relative silence as she reaches the bathroom door. Entering inside, she bends down and grabs the hem of her dress, lifting it up over her head, causing her massive breasts to jiggle wildly due to the laws of gravity, blushing once more. She goes to undo her black lace bra, easily and swiftly unclipping it, letting it fall to the ground as her breast falls slightly. She grabs the sides of her matching pair of panties, pulling them down as she bends down as well, stepping out of them. Now standing in all of her nude glory, she steps into the shower and grabs a bottle that was nearby, the label noting that it was basic shampoo, beginning to apply it into her long lavendar-coloured hair, then putting the bottle back where it was.

She turns the knob, allowing water to wash all over her, causing her to gasp and give a soft moan. Soon the water would begin to heat up to something more warm; she would begin to wash her hair, the water flowing throughout her hair as the soap used begins to wash right out. Once she finishes, she would go to grab a loofah, resembling the pokemon Tangela, beginning to use it to wash her body all around. As she passes over her breasts, she emits a gasp and begins to blush, suddenly halting any and all movement, all of a sudden feeling hotter… She would start to think of the trainer again… As the shower continued to run, she would come to the decision that she would pleasure herself in the bath; however, among the noise of the shower ongoing, the sound of a fan could be heard inside the room…

She would drop the Tangela loofah onto the tile floor with a wet splat. One of her hands cups her breast as the other goes down to her nether region. She begins to, effectively, pleasure herself as her knees begin to buckle, her body quivers as images of the trainer flashes in her head, every few seconds she would moan out. “Oh!~ Hah! Ah!~ T-Trainer!~” She began to feel hotter and hotter, however, she doesn’t seem to mind it as she is lost in her own fantasy, the previous noise of the fan begins to grow louder and louder however.

The more she keeps going, the faster and more intense she gets; Soon something strange happens. As she goes to moan, her head kinks to the side, as her moans cuts off for a brief second before soon returning. Soon it wasn’t just her moans cutting out, it was her voice. “A-Ah!~ O-Oh!~ T-T-T-Trainer!~ -ainer!~ Ssso hhhot~ So sssexy~” Her hand groping her breast would begin to dig a bit deeper as the other would rub faster, stopping at some points before returning to it’s hyper speed. Soon the noise of the fan becomes just as loud or even louder than the shower itself.

It wasn’t until exactly a minute into her session that something else would happen, this time, it was insane to even think of. The Maniac would come to a halt, one of her moans droning on for a few seconds before stopping. She would begin to speak, however, what came out was something mind-blowing. “W-Warning. Unit-t is overheat-heating. Opening panel to vent-vent excess heat…” Her voice goes completely monotone as the surface of her stomach would open up with accompanied whirring noise. Revealing the Hex Maniac to be nothing more than bundles of wires and circuit boards, all being held together by a basic metallic frame!

Water begins to rush into the opening, causing a burst of sparks to fly out and wisp of smoke soon fly out afterwards. The shock would cause the hand the was groping one of her breast to dig even deeper, unfortunately, due to her sharp fingernails, it would cause them to dig in a little too deeply, soon a blue gelatinous substance would begin to leak out of where her fingers punctured the gel sack underneath.

E-ERROR D-DAMAAAA-. RESUMINGGGG PREVIOUS-OUSSS TASK. TASK.” Her movements became way more jerky as her previously furious rubbing would stop and go. Her moans and speech became more and more slurred and halted, soon becoming almost incoherent. “A-Aaaaa tr-tr-trai sssoooo hothothot EMERGENCY SHUTSHUT Sexyyyyy~ Ohhhhh~” Her head begins to thrash about as more and more sparks and smoke comes from the panel, soon sparks and smoke would come out of her mouth and ears; her eyes crossing in weird directions. Another whirring noise would sound out from her malfunctioning body, slowly raising in pitch until it finally reaches an ear-screeching pitch.

BOOM! The back of her mechanical head explodes out! Sending pieces of burnt inner circuitry, pieces of metal and synthetic hair behind her. Her body shakes as she begins to slowly bend at the waist. The whirring sound slowly dying off along with one of her moans. Her pupils flicker like a poorly lit lightbulb as they fade to grey. A secondary dying voice is heard from her, heavily strained. “T-trrraaainneeerrr ssooooooo hoooooooootttttttttt…”. She comes to a complete stop as water continues raining over her busted form, soon getting into her metal cranium.

It wasn’t until a few days that one of the workers would notice the Hex Maniac was missing. They would soon come to discover the busted bot after going over to her house. It wasn’t a huge loss though, they can always buy a new unit, fresh off the assembly line. However, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to pay for the extra cost for custom programming…